About Captain & Cub

This company started like most… I was looking for matching swimsuits for my baby boy and my husband and was left with little to no options.  The swimsuits available for my son were covered in action figures or trucks and went to his ankle. 

So in 2020, I poured myself a glass of wine after I put my son to bed and decided to get started on my new swimsuit brand.   A year and a half later, I finally launched Nixy Bum. 

After a year of learning the ins and outs of owning a small business, I had to change the name of my brand.  I'm very excited to introduce you all to Captain & Cub!  The brand on our current swimsuits will still be Nixy Bum until we receive our new inventory.

My whole heart and soul has gone into this company and I’ve loved every minute of it.  I hope you enjoy the designs and fit as much as I do.

Here is Nixon, the inspiration for Captain & Cub.